URBANICE Malaysia at The Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023)

TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, the CEO of Urbanice Malaysia, attended the Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023)


March 30, 2023


Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), IIUM


Feb 28

URBANICE Malaysia at The Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023)

TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, the CEO of Urbanice Malaysia, attended the Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023)

URBANICE Malaysia at The Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023)

TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, Ketua Eksekutif Urbanice Malaysia telah menghadiri Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023) yang telah diadakan di Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), IIUM pada 28 Februari yang lalu.

Beliau telah menyampaikan perkongsian berkaitan dengan Sustainable Urban Future di Siri Town Hall ke-3 di Dewan Auditorium KAED.

Pelbagai aktiviti dan perkongsian menarik berlangsung dari 27 Februari hingga 1 Mac yang diadakan sepanjang program PSA 2023 ini seperti Malam Citrabandar yang menampilkan pelbagai persembahan dari beberapa Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia.

Perasmian PSA 2023 telah dibuka oleh YBrs. TPr. Dr. Alias bin Rameli, Ketua Pengarah PLANMalaysia dan telah di tutup oleh Datin TPr. Hjh. Noraida Saludin, Presiden Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP).

TPr. Ts. Norliza Hashim, the CEO of Urbanice Malaysia, attended the Planning Students' Assembly 2023 (PSA2023) that was held at the Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED), IIUM on February 28th.

She shared her insights on Sustainable Urban Future in the 3rd Town Hall Series at the KAED Auditorium.

Various interesting activities and sharing sessions were held from February 27th to March 1st during the PSA 2023 program, including the Citrabandar Night that featured various performances from several Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia.

The opening ceremony of PSA 2023 was officiated by YBrs. TPr. Dr. Alias bin Rameli, the Director-General of PLANMalaysia, and was closed by Datin TPr. Hjh. Noraida Saludin, the President of the Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP).

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